Friday, 30 December 2011

Hair Transplant , Hair Restoration,FUE hair in Sweden

                                                  FUE hair transplant Sweden

Dr.Ahmad is performing Follicular Unit Extraction with Automatic Machine or Motorized hair restoration.
Cosmoderma hair transplant clinic provides cheap hair transplant surgery patients from Sweden. Dr.Ahmad Chaudhry MD (Paris), Visiting Associate Professor Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 France has established state of the art hair restoration, hair transplantation, hair loss surgery clinic abroad. Dr.Ahmad has more than 14 years hair transplantation surgery experience internationally and active member of international society of hair restoration surgery –ISHRS. He is an expert in hair loss, baldness and alopecia treatments.
Hair Transplant cost in Sweden is too much high and similarly hair transplant in Denmark,Norway is costly, Dr.Ahmad provides cheap hair transplant surgery with affordable budget abroad. There is complete guidance from Visa, hotel accommodation, hair transplant technique selection, strip (FUT) vs. FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). Dr.Ahmad can extract 2000 FUE grafts or follicles in one day and normally there is two days package for 4000 FUE grafts in 4000 euro. Cost of hair transplant in Sweden for 4000 FUE graft is 8000-10,000 Euro.
Hair Transplant patients from Sweden travel abroad for cheap hair transplant surgery so that there would be less burden on pocket in this era of economic crisis. Hair restoration results are comparable to any best hair transplant clinic in Sweden.
Our online hair transplant consultation is available and we can evaluate and suggest you number of grafts needed, male pattern baldness stage, best technique of hair transplantation and restoration on individual basis.
 Hair Transplantation by FUE method 2500 grafts in Single day ..... Post-operative day 1 Picture
 Right sided frontal view 2500 follicles by FUE hair restoration method by Dr.Ahmad Chaudhry
Left sided Follicular Unit Extraction technique 2500 grafts in single day Procedure

Healing of Donor Area Day 1 after FUE hair transplant procedure

Donor Area scar of previous strip surgery is visible while FUE scar on day 1 post-operative is in healing process.

FUE hair transplant procedure is without scar,No strip,Quick healing and minimal discomfort.
 Visible scar of Previous strip surgery ....old method and currently FUE is best and revolutionary technique
Dr.Ahmad Chaudhry
MD (Paris), Visiting Associate Professor
Claude Bernard University Lyon1 France.
Contact US
31 A Ali Zeb Road
Block C-3,Gulberg-3
+92-333-430-99 99